Full Name
Marta Zaharia
Consumer Support specialist
Canadian Helen Keller Centre
Speaker Bio
Marta Zaharia is a graduate of the George Brown College Intervenor for Deafblind Persons Program. She has been working in the Deafblind Intervenor Services sector since 1992. She started her career as an intervenor, working her way up to her current role as the consumer support specialist at Canadian Helen Keller Centre. Marta was the first recipient of the CHKC Joan McTavish Award. Marta is an advocate for intervenors and the professionalization of their role in the province of Ontario, most notably as the current president of the Intervenor Organization of Ontario (IOO). As a part of the IOO and Marta’s outstanding work, she became one of the founding board members of the Deafblind Network of Ontario (DBNO). Marta is a member of the Deafblind International Conference committee and is the chair of the communications committee.
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