Full Name
Marianne Rorije
University of Groningen
Speaker Bio
Marianne Rorije, Ph.D. candidate, department: inclusive and special needs education, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, supervised by prof. dr. S. Damen, prof. dr. H.J.M. Janssen, and prof. dr. A.E.M.G. Minnaert. Marianne started her Ph.D. journey in October 2018. During this conference, she will present the primary outcomes of the research project ‘Tell it!’ - fostering the communicative agency and tactile communication skills of individuals with congenital deafblindness by improving the communication partners’ communicative agency support and tactile communication strategies. Therefore, a video-feedback intervention is developed and tested on its effectiveness: the Influencing Communication and Language (IC&L) Program. In addition, it is investigated how communication coaches, who provided the video feedback, implemented the IC&L Program.
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