Full Name
Jana Martin
PhD student
Heidelberg University of Education, Nikolauspflege - Stiftung für blinde und sehbehinderte Menschen
Speaker Bio
Jana Martin is trained to be a teacher for students with visual and hearing impairments. After her studies she started to work in the field of vocational rehabilitation services and is now project manager of “Wege in den Beruf” (Paths to Employment), a project that aims to develop and implement specialized vocational training and rehabilitation services for individuals living with deafblindness in Germany. Alongside the project she is doing her doctorate at the Heidelberg University of Education under supervision of Prof Dr. Andrea Wanka (Heidelberg University of Education, Germany) and Prof. Dr. Walter Wittich (Université de Montréal, Canada). Her research explores the current practice of rehabilitation services for individuals living with deafblindness in an international perspective.
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