Breakout Session 9D: The Heartbeat 2.0: A Technological Solution to Overcome Distance
Date & Time
Thursday, July 27, 2023, 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Location Name
Room 206
Country of Submission

People with congenital deafblindness are often unaware of the availability of others. The aim of the Heartbeat 2.0 was to develop and implement technology that would enable people with deafblindness to maintain contact and interact with their social partners from a distance. Using the Heartbeat 2.0 gave a sense of security to the person with deafblindness. The use of an individual intervention plan supported the social partners in working with the Heartbeat. The aim of this presentation is to introduce the Heartbeat 2.0. We will also present the experiences of people with deafblindness and their social partners in using the Heartbeat 2.0. Video material with practical examples is used to clarify the application.  The audience can experience the effect of the Heartbeat 2.0 themselves.