Breakout Session 8D: Hand in Hand - A Project to Develop Professional Competence in the Field of Deafblindness at the Institution Nikolauspflege Stuttgart
Date & Time
Thursday, July 27, 2023, 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Location Name
Room 206
Country of Submission

Presentation of the development and implementation of a deafblind-specific qualification program (staff training program) in an institution for people with blindness and visual impairment. The project Hand in Hand is a multidisciplinary, educational project with the aim of developing professional competence in the field of deafblindness in the early childhood and school sector at the institution Nikolauspflege Stuttgart (Germany).  The project pursues three objectives. Firstly, the development and implementation of a qualification program enhances deafblind-specific competencies and knowledge of staff. After the qualification program, staff are enabled to detect and identify children and adolescents with deafblindness, using the screening and assessment tool (IKI-TAU), developed by Prof Dr. Andrea Wanka. In addition, they provide initial counseling for colleagues and parents, and support class teams in extending the counseling content of experts. Furthermore, they can operate assistive devices, e.g., hearing aid testing kits. Secondly, trained staff perform the identification of children and adolescent with deafblindness, using the screening and assessment tool IKI-TAU. Children and adolescents with complex disabilities suspected of being deafblind are particularly eligible for the screening and assessment process. In the next step, children and adolescents suspected to be deafblind are tested with the tool IKI-TAU in the administrative district of Stuttgart, Germany. Thirdly, the project includes networking with medical and therapeutic partners, participation in (international) conferences and committees, and publications. People with deafblindness are entitled to specific support and counseling resulting from their altered perception of the world as well as from their unique access to communication, information, orientation, and mobility. In order to implement these support services, the competencies of the employees of the institution Nikolauspflege must increase specific professionalism.