Breakout Session 8A: Orientation and Mobility Principles and Instructional Strategies for Students with Complex Needs Including CVI, Deafblind, and Multiple Disabilities
Date & Time
Thursday, July 27, 2023, 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Location Name
Canada Hall 1
Country of Submission

Individuals with deafblindness and multiple impairments have unique mobility needs. There is a lack of Orientation and Mobility assessments that look specifically at the needs of those with dual sensory impairments as well as physical impairments. The aim of this presentation is to give practitioners insights and ideas on encouraging individuals with deafblindness and complex needs to move and explore and gain greater independence. This session will look at the unique orientation and mobility needs and supports for individuals with deafblindness, cortical/cerebral visual impairment, complex needs, and sensory disabilities. Using case studies and video, the presenters will discuss various approaches to O&M assessment strategies (including but not limited to the CVI Range). The presenters will also address strategies for planning and implementing specific interventions to encourage more reliable orientation, purposeful movement, and mobility. Participants will develop an understanding and identify ways to encourage the development of visual skills in individuals with cortical/cerebral visual impairment through movement and exploration. This session will also look at the impact additional sensory and learning disabilities can have on individuals with visual impairments and strategies that can be incorporated into orientation and mobility lessons to address those needs.