Breakout Session 6E: Guide Dog for Deafblind Person: Yes, We Can!
Date & Time
Wednesday, July 26, 2023, 1:30 PM - 2:15 PM
Location Name
Room 207
Country of Submission

The Mira Foundation has been providing guide dogs to blind people for 40 years. Since the beginning, the doors of this guide dog school have always been open to deafblind clients. And the collaboration with orientation and mobility specialists has been present since its creation. In this presentation, we want to explain the whole process of getting a guide dog, with the collaboration of the Nazareth et Louis-Braille Institute and the orientation and mobility specialists. Those guide dog users may be different from each others. As example, some still have little visual capacity and have hearing aids or cochlear implants and others are totally deaf and blind. Safe travel is one of the main concerns of people with dual sensory impairments. This presentation provides a model to address this need. It shows how a guide dog school and a vision rehabilitation centre work together for the goods of the blind persons.