Breakout Session 6B: Intervention: A Family's Perspective
Date & Time
Wednesday, July 26, 2023, 1:30 PM - 2:15 PM
Location Name
Room 203
Country of Submission

Sharing life experiences with others from the perspective of families and the impact it has on intervention services and their families. Some areas of discussion include - How it is to live with intervenors in your home (sharing your family’s' experiences and aspects of your lives); How intervention service impacts the family as the deafblind family members' needs change; How COVID-19 impacted intervention services and the implications it had on the family. Presenting a family's perspective offers others an honest and true-to-life view of intervention. By sharing a personal look at intervention services, hopefully, intervenors and service providers will see and appreciate the human side of intervention and provide better services to their consumers.