Breakout Session 5C: Technology, Learning and Independence Among Adults Who Become Deafblind
Date & Time
Wednesday, July 26, 2023, 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM
Location Name
Room 205
Country of Submission

A National conference of the deafblind [NCDB] held in 2020 by the Society for the Empowerment of the Deafblind [SEDB] with the support of their knowledge partners, Chetana Trust and hosts, National Institute for Speech and Hearing, generated key areas of need for the community of adults who are deafblind. One area identified was technology and Chetana Trust and SEDB partnered to gather deeper information from several members. The study was nested within the context of a larger study conducted by Saksham Trust on the status of technology use among people with disabilities in India.  Apart from the broad areas of their survey, Chetana Trust developed areas for in-depth interviews, based on conversations with the leaders of SEDB and key findings from the 2020 Conference. After informed consent, interviews were conducted with 10 deafblind adults about technology in their lives. In this presentation, we use their stories to illustrate the importance of technology in their lives, the ways in which they acquired skills in using them, barriers faced and our subsequent experience using deafblind trainers to pass on technology skills. The stories speak of the need for adult services, a broader approach to learning at school age and better access to health care and support systems. With required training and supports in place, people who lose their vision or hearing later in life, can continue to have access to all valued aspects of their life.