Breakout Session 4C: Visual Rehabilitation Adapted to People with Dual Sensory Impairment
Date & Time
Wednesday, July 26, 2023, 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Location Name
Room 205
Country of Submission

The objective of the presentation is to illustrate in three parts the adaptation of tools used in visual rehabilitation for the clientele in a situation of dual sensory impairment by interveners of the joint program on deafblindness of IRD CIUSSS Centre-Sud and INLB CISSS Montérégie-Centre through the presentation of clinical vignettes and testimonials of users. Our clients need to be evaluated as accurately as possible to access personalized and effective rehabilitation programs. People who live with dual sensorial impairment can't compensate for their visual difficulties by their hearing. The specialists in visual impairment rehabilitation in Quebec work to optimize the functional vision of these people. Why and how do we adapt our practice to the dual sensory impaired clientele? The concepts that empirically support our evaluations and interventions will be presented to you, in 3 aspects: Assessment, Presentation of a functional reading assessment tool; Lighting -Presentation of lighting adaptation strategies to improve communication. Visual skills training: Strategies and impacts on communication and activities of daily living. All 3 aspects will be illustrated with photographs and short video clips. Interventions in visual impairment rehabilitation with a clientele living with a double sensory impairment must be adapted to obtain optimal results. Presentation of concrete intervention methods and feedback on the added value of this type of practice.