Breakout Session 4A: What is New with the Institute on Movement Studies for Individuals who are Visually Impaired or Deafblind
Date & Time
Wednesday, July 26, 2023, 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM
Location Name
Canada Hall 1
Country of Submission

Over the past fifteen years the co-directors and members of the Institute on Movement Studies for Individuals with Visual Impairments or Deafblindness have been very busy researching the motor skills, balance, physical activity, parent perceptions, and home environment of youth who are deafblind. We have published research and created training materials for parents and teachers. We have also been running programs that include youth who are deafblind in physical activity. This presentation will share the results of many of these research studies and practical implications. In addition, the participants will learn about the variety of resources available such as books, web sites, videos, tip sheets, manuals, checklists, and physical activity programs across the world. Physical activity is an integral part of life that helps people feel human and alive. The more opportunities individuals have the more choices they have and the more self-determined they will be. It is imperative that parents, teachers, intervenors, and caregivers learn how to include individuals who are deafblind into physical activity, physical education, recreation, fitness, and sport to ensure a self-determined life.