Breakout Session 2B: Parenthood and Dual Sensory Loss
Date & Time
Tuesday, July 25, 2023, 1:30 PM - 2:15 PM
Location Name
Room 203
Country of Submission

Parenthood is universal. We have, for the most of us, this incredible potential: one day, we'll give birth, we'll become parents and raise a family.  Being a parent is not always easy, it brings along a lot of hurdles and doubts. For a person with deafblindness, it can even be more challenging. We see that it is not always obvious for a person with dual sensory loss to be surrounded by family, professionals, or other social contacts, who support their wish of starting a family. We see that he/she often has to deal with prejudices, an environment that says he/she is not capable to be a good parent. How to deal with these difficulties? Some people decide finally to abandon their idea to start a family, others go for it without the support needed and others go for it to prove their environment that they are capable and sometimes this results in a parental burn-out.  So, we decided to organise meetings with parents with dual sensory loss and their children, to let them share their stories, to know more about their specific needs. This allows us to have a better understanding of their daily life in order to provide a better support to them and their social services. Today, in France, very few studies are available on this subject. So, with this presentation, we would like to share our situation and ask other countries how they deal with this theme in order to get new ideas and maybe even some solutions.